Welcome to Focus Business School International
Are you thinking of starting a business or are you running a company, but want it to develop it? At the same time do you want to know what the bible has to say about finances and entrepreneurship? Focus Business School is an international school of entrepreneurship built on a Christian foundation and is today active in Scandinavia, Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe.
What is FBS?
Focus Business School is a course in entrepreneurship and finance based on biblical principles and values. It contains 48 lessons and cover topics like ”Bringing your personal finances into balance”, ”How to prepare for and run a business” and ”How to live with biblical values and ethics in business life.”
The teaching is simple and practical and is especially adapted to people who have not yet started a business. Many of the people who already run a business and have gone through the course, testify that their business has developed in a remarkable way.
The purpose of our organisation is to support the financial development of individuals and societies. We have four objectives with what we do:
1. To increase the finances of the individual through business
2. To make the local churches self-reliant
3. To create hope for the young generation to stay in their region
4. To make disciples of Christ in the market place.
FBS is a tool for local organisations to promote biblical stewardship, increase the number of business people in their community and to address social problems like poverty and unemployment. We as an organisation will support the local partner by providing the teaching material and training the local business people to become teachers in FBS.

Get employable
FBS gives you knowledge that can help you to get a job.

Get growth in your company
The knowledge from FBS gives you a long-term stable development.

Discover that you are an entrepeneur
Let something new ingite within you.

Get your private finances in order
FBS teaches you how to deal with your private finances.
Deborah Rosman
Deborah Rosman, 30, is a certified information designer and she is running as many as three different companies. She runs an interior design company and two cafés. One of the cafés is open during the summer holiday on the peninsula outside Nyköping. The first season the company had a revenue of two million SEK – in just 41 days.
When she started FBS, she was already running one company and she had some experience in how to manage it.
Where Are We?
All inquiries regarding existing countries or new country angreements, please contact Marco Strömberg.